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Osteopathy or Physiotherapy - what differences you should know!

Osteopath Marbella

The biggest difference is that osteopathy looks at the whole person and seeks to identify and treat the cause of symptoms in order to resolve them permanently, whereas physiotherapy focuses mainly on a symptom.

These two professions differ in terms of training, therapeutic principles and treatment.

The basic principles of osteopathy and physiotherapy

Osteopathy is a philosophy, a science and an art. It is based on the principle that the body is a unit and that all its parts work together and are interconnected. If one part of the body is restricted or blocked in its function, this will be compensated for elsewhere.

For this reason, a symptom may have its cause in a more distant part of the body. Osteopathy is an independent medical method of preventing, identifying and treating complaints. Many patients also come for a check-up.

Physiotherapy, on the other hand, focuses on the science of movement. It examines how the human body moves and functions and how these movements can be optimised to reduce pain and improve mobility.

A symptomatic approach is taken, i.e. if the neck hurts, the neck is treated. A suitable method is selected for this, which can consist of physiotherapy measures as well as passive manual techniques and heat and cold applications.

Osteopathic treatment approaches

Osteopathy is based on precise knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology, biomechanics and embryology. It also includes philosophy and life wisdom. It is used to diagnose and treat functional, structural, acute and chronic complaints.

The study of osteopathy deals with a wider range of health problems and is divided into 4 areas: Musculoskeletal System, All Organs, Cranio Sacral System, and Biodynamics.

Osteopathy for knee pain

1. Musculoskeletal System

The focus is on the bones and their associated joints, tendons and muscles. Osteopathy is a holistic therapy that uses only the hands for examination and treatment. Techniques range from mobilisation, pressure and pushing to very subtle treatment techniques. The aim of treatment is to use manual techniques and therapeutic exercises to release blockages and tissue tension, restore mobility and promote self-healing and regeneration.

Possible reasons for consultation:

  • Pain throughout the musculoskeletal ystem (back, shoulder, knee, hip, neck tension, etc.)

  • Dizziness

  • Temporomandibular joint problems and much more.

Osteopathy for intestinal problems

2. Visceral Osteopathy

It is concerned with the pathology and physiology of the internal organs, the fascia, the blood, lymph and nerve tracts. This means that respiratory, internal and urogenital complaints are treated. Gentle, manual techniques are used to improve the mobility and function of the organs, release tension in the surrounding structures, decongest the tissue, improve circulation, reduce inflammation, remove adhesions, improve metabolism and digestion, relieve the organs and thus promote self-healing.

Possible reasons for consultation:

• Digestive complaints, stomach pain

• Respiratory problems, asthma

• Menstrual problems

• Bladder infections

• Scars

• Hormone system, immune system and much more.

3. Craniosacral Osteopathy

It focuses on the treatment of the autonomic and central nervous system, brain, cranial bones, sacrum and spine. This gentle treatment method is particularly suitable for complaints and developmental disorders in babies and children.

Possible reasons for consultation includes:

• Chronic pain

• Migraine/headaches

• Stress/exhaustion symptoms

• Sleep disorders

• Concentration disorders

• Trauma and neurological disorders.

4. Biodynamic Osteopathy

A further development of osteopathy can be found in biodynamic osteopathy. It is based on the assumption that the body has an inherent health principle that can be supported and promoted through subtle manual techniques.

It appeals directly to the power of life that is inherent in every human being. This is seen as the motor for self-healing powers and is the force that drives the development and unfolding of the organs and all tissues during the embryonic phase.

Osteopathy vs Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy treatment approaches

Physiotherapy also uses manual techniques, soft tissue treatments, heat and cold therapy as well as electrical stimulation. Exercise programmes for posture correction and muscle strengthening. It focuses more on musculoskeletal problems and rehabilitation. Various manual techniques are used to reduce pain and improve mobility, such as massage and mobilisation.

Physiotherapy is often used after injuries or operations and for neurological conditions such as strokes and multiple sclerosis. Physiotherapists can also specialise in specific areas such as sports physiotherapy or geriatric physiotherapy.

Patient care


In Germany, osteopathy is carried out independently by alternative practitioners or doctors, and also by trained physiotherapists on their instructions. An osteopath acts independently and draws up a diagnosis and the corresponding treatment plan. In the UK and France, for example, osteopaths are recognised doctors. Treatment begins with a comprehensive medical history and examination and then goes straight into treatment. It usually lasts between 40 and 60 minutes. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, treatment is given at intervals of 1 to 4 weeks.


Physiotherapy is prescribed by a doctor, begins with an assessment and examination, typically lasts between 15 and 20 minutes and is often carried out over several weeks to monitor progress and adjust the exercise programme.


Both forms of therapy offer valuable tools for improving health and can also be used to complement each other. Osteopaths also work together with other therapists on an interdisciplinary basis. Referrals are also made to doctors for further treatment in order to have special examinations carried out and to rule out other causes.

I will be happy to advise you in a personal consultation on which type of therapy could be the most effective for you in particular.


Sybille Heinzl


Osteopathy for babies, children, adults

Practice in Marbella/Spain and in Braunschweig/Germany

Online-Sprechstunde  (To the online consultation)



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