Statutory German health insurance companies:
Billing is generally based on the fee schedule for alternative practitioners. Most health insurance companies reimburse the costs for osteopathic treatments on a pro-rata basis.
German private health insurance companies: As a rule, the health insurance companies reimburse the services if alternative practitioner services are included.
The same applies Aid recipients.
Spanish private health insurance: If you have a policy that allows you to choose your own doctor or therapist, there is a good chance that 80% to 100% of the costs will be reimbursed. Examples of these insurance policies are: DKV Mundisalud, Sanitas Mundi, Mapfre Mundi, BUPA and others.
Please ask your health insurance company about this!
Osteopathic treatment adults
(including detailed anamnesis, examination, treatment and prognosis)
50 - 60 minutes / € 110.00 (price in Germany)
50 - 60 minutes / € 90.00 + 21% VAT (price in Spain)
Osteopathic treatment for children
30 - 40 minutes / € 90.00 (price in Germany)
30 - 40 minutes / € 75.00 + 21% VAT (in Spain)
Consulting - Coaching (also online)
50 - 60 minutes / initial consultation € 110.00 (Germany)
50 - 60 minutes / initial consultation € 90.00 + 21% VAT (Spain)
Follow-up appointments € 95.00 (Germany)
Follow-up appointments € 75.00 + 21% VAT (Spain)
If an agreed appointment cannot be kept, the appointment must be canceled up to 24 hours in advance by telephone or e-mail. If the cancellation is not made or is canceled too late, case law provides that the entire fee for the corresponding unit can be charged.